Animal Medical Equipment Supplier

Veterinary Microscopes

Wondcon sells hundreds of microscopes to veterinary clinics each year. The veterinary microscope allows clear visualization of blood cells, urine, feces, pathology and cytology, fleas and twitches.

Sale Veterinary Microscopes From China - Cost-effective

The standard microscope for this application will be equipped with 4x, 10x, 40x and 100x oil lenses. If you require oil-free use, a 100x dry objective can be used in place of the 100x oil immersion objective. Since the microscopes in this setup will be heavily used by a variety of users, it is important to purchase instruments that are durable, reliable and easy to use. There are many options when choosing a veterinary microscope, let our experts help take the guess work out and educate you to make an informed decision!

In some cases, veterinarians need a digital microscope camera to capture, record, email and save images. See our compound microscope with digital camera for various configurations with a digital camera and LCD screen.

Custom Quotes for Veterinary Microscopes

Let our experts create a custom quote for you at our best prices and terms. Just tell us your requirements and we'll take care of the rest.